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Curious October 2020 Ontario

Drama two weeks out

Kim, on September 27, 2020 at 06:49 Posted in Before the wedding 0 12
I have a dilemma. My MOH has been ghosting me for months. I know that her job has been stressful and she moved to a new city earlier this month, but it's no excuse for her inability to keep in touch with me/us. We finally spoke last night. She barely asked about the wedding, just expressed her concerns about gathering during the pandemic. She has no clue what it takes to put a wedding together and doesn't recognize that this year has made things very stressful.

We are getting married in two weeks and I don't know if I want her in our wedding party anymore. She has added a ton of stress to the planning process by being silent and uninterested. Can I change her role in the wedding or even ask her to attend as a guest? I know she finally made arrangements to get her dress, so I know she's out that money out.
Quite frankly, we're afraid we'll resent having her in such an important role and in all of our photos.
Any thoughts or advice would be most welcome!


Latest activity by Alison, on September 28, 2020 at 20:48
  • Alison
    Frequent user August 2022 Ontario
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    I'm so sorry your MOH doesn't seem as supportive as you'd like (and deserve). That being said, it sounds like she definitely has a lot going on right now and she's not totally wrong in having concerns about gathering during the pandemic. There are risks for sure (I hope this doesn't come off as judge-y...we still had a small ceremony last month so I 100% get wanting to still have your wedding!). Everyone is handling Covid differently, and the levels of comfort around gatherings differ depending on each person (for example, we have family that think we don't take things seriously enough, as well as family that think we're crazy and taking things too seriously and are too careful).

    Covid has thrown a wrench in everyone's wedding planning and it's been so stressful and awful having to make changes to original wedding plans and see them go out the window. Unfortunately with going through with your wedding this year, you're going to have some people that truly don't feel comfortable going. It sucks so much, but maybe you're MOH is one of those people. I agree with the other posters, before demoting her, I would have a conversation with her. I would tell her how you've been feeling and also ask her how she truly feels. If she's actually not comfortable coming, she needs to tell you, so you can move on and continue planning and getting excited for your wedding.

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Hi Girl,

    Sorry to hear about your struggles and frustrations. You shouldn't have to deal with your MOH during this as well, as she should be supporting and helping you as well.

    That being said, she MIGHT have a lot going on in her life too that she can't dedicate her FULL attention to you right now, although its a crucial time. I would definitely suggest talking to her about how you feel, tell her how much she means, and that you are disappointed and feel neglected and frustrated. Speak your mind with her and you may be shocked with her response. If it doesn't change anything I would have that conversation with her and ask her to step down to a bridesmaid, as if she was your MOH regardless of what's going on now, I am sure she still is very important to you and should STILL be standing with you, but ultimately its your choice.

    Take it step by step and see how that goes. I wish you the best of luck and all of WW team is here to help in the event you need it Smiley smile

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  • Marg
    Curious August 2021 Ontario
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    My heart hearts for your friend. It honestly sounds like she is really overwhelmed and struggling during this pandemic. I know we all are, but if she normally is a caring, attentive friend (and she must be, otherwise why make her your MOH?) and this is out of character for her, then there really must be other stuff going on. Have you talked to her about the stresses of her job? Maybe she's concerned about interacting with the public, or the financial strains covid has put on her. Maybe she is having health issues or is concerned about a high risk loved one. Maybe the state of the world is just really scary and her anxiety has gotten on top of her, but she doesn't want to open the floodgates of her emotions to you when you're about to get married!

    Remember that you made her your MOH for a reason. While friendships change, and that can be painful, I hope that you can give her the benefit of the doubt and at least have a deep conversation with her before you make any changes this close to the wedding.

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  • Clauds
    Frequent user August 2020 Ontario
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    Sorry to hear your MOH hasnt been providing your with support Smiley sad especially during these uncertain times with planning and whatnot. Perhaps she is also stressed with things happening in her life and doesn't realize that she's been ghosting you? Not making excuses for her but sometimes people get distracted when stressed and covid probably isnt making things easier.

    Like the other comments, I would also have a heart to heart with her. If she still cannot support or acknowledge how you are feeling then you would be justified in changing her role..

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  • A
    Master August 2022 British Columbia
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    I would speak to her first. Voice your concerns to her and go from there. Sometimes it's good to talk it out then just doing something rationally

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I would speak to her first. Let her know what you need her to do and ask her if that is something she can do, and if it isn't give her a way out.
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    I just sent wedding wire a message asking them to fix the glitch. It keeps saying I am over the maximum number of messages I can send. Can you try sending me one? I have a very similar story to you, however I’d like to share it personally with you.
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  • Kim
    Curious October 2020 Ontario
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    No I didn't see anything.
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  • Arexy
    Devoted October 2020 Ontario
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    I personal messaged you regarding this topic, did you receive it?
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  • Kim
    Curious October 2020 Ontario
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    So glad you had someone solid by your side and you were able to get married without a hitch ☺️

    Thanks for the advice! You make a good point... Don't want any regrets!
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  • Mais
    Frequent user September 2020 Ontario
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    Sorry for the typo wearing- weren’t
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  • Mais
    Frequent user September 2020 Ontario
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    When I got married 2 weeks ago my MOH was there supporting me every step of the way, and luckily things wearing even as bad as today when I got married. She made sure to clear my doubts as I was anxious and nervous too, although I was having a 50 guest outdoor wedding, but she never left my side and supported me through out everything. I would have a very honest conversation with your MOH first telling her how you feel and what you are going through. Also how you feel about how she has handled the situation so far especially during a pandemic.You still have 2 weeks and I don’t want you regretting not having her stand by you. If she then doesn’t respond the way you want to then I would absolutely take the role away from her
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