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Devoted December 2021 Ontario

Cross boarder marriages - o m g

Vanessa, on September 11, 2020 at 11:02 Posted in Before the wedding 0 7


This is a venting post lol. Has anyone else dealt with a cross-boarder marriage and specifically with someone who is divorced!?

So my fiance is from Connecticut and we have worked for the same company for several years; the best part is we both used to work in the same department which involved lots of travel back and forth so it was great. For a long time we did the long distance living and finally 2 years ago, my fiance accepted a director position at our Canadian office so he moved here a year and a half ago which was always the ultimate goal anyways; It was honestly a perfect story how everything came together Smiley heart .

Now that we are engaged, trying to get married here has just been so hard! He was divorced a few years ago and to legally get married in Canada, we needed to obtain his marriage certificate and with COVID, we had to send his brother to the CT filing office because if he went there, he wouldn't have been able to return (he doesn't have his PR card yet), have that sent to us and get everything approved by service Canada in Thunder Bay before even trying to get a marriage license. We then find out the filing office made an error on the documentation so we had to call them to change everything which was a nightmare. The hurdles have been crazy, lawyers appointments, extra documentation, then we were missing a form so it was denied now we are back to the lawyers ... ugh it's been crazy. This whole situation is obviously new to us so it's just been a roller coaster.

Everything is just moving so slowly too and we did postpone to next year but we want to legally get married this year. I'm hoping everything works out.

Vent over.


Latest activity by Megan, on September 14, 2020 at 15:43
  • Megan
    Frequent user April 2021 Ontario
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    Yes! I think I thought that because his divorce was American, it would automatically be recognized here.

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  • Vanessa
    Devoted December 2021 Ontario
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    I understand exactly what you mean .. that legal opinion letter is the only document we forgot (of course!) so that's what we are getting now.

    We had no idea that this much work was involved .. getting divorced/married in the US is so easy and you basically need nothing. Thankfully his was also in English as well.

    At least i'll never have to go through this again and I hope I can help someone out if they need it in the future.

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  • Megan
    Frequent user April 2021 Ontario
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    I'm sorry you're having such a tough time! It is a pain for sure. My husband hired the firm who handled his American divorce to go get all the papers from the courthouse. They also had to go back twice due to an error by the court house. We followed the Ontario government's outline for foreign divorce. Then we had to have a local lawyer write a letter certifying that the divorce was legal and mail all the paperwork to the Ontario government before applying for a marriage certificate. I was just thankful that someone gave us a heads up about how long everything would take - because I had NO idea that we needed to certify his divorce as legitimate. Thankfully, it was already in English and did not need to be translated.

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  • Vanessa
    Devoted December 2021 Ontario
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    So many hoops and it's so unnecessary sometimes and that's a great quote .. pretty much sums it up!

    Thanks so much - I hope it gets easier as well. All I want is to be given the "OK" and then I can start planning our MICRO wedding Smiley smile

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    My fiance's parents are Canadians who live in the states. Every time they plan a trip home they have enough documentation with them to sink a ship. It's insane the hoops they jump through.

    I hope that the process get easier for you two, and remember "the course of true love never did run smooth" (Midsummer Nights Dream)
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  • Vanessa
    Devoted December 2021 Ontario
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    Thank you so much for the positive vibes, greatly appreciated!Smiley smile

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    I'm so sorry all these issues are coming up for you. Hopefully it will get all straightened up soon. Sending positive vibes 😀
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