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Expert July 2022 Ontario

covid Blues

Amanda, on May 15, 2020 at 15:25 Posted in Before the wedding 0 27

Is it just me or is anyone else losing excitement towards their big day?

I know this is not the happiest of subjects but my FH & I were talking the other day and we are both feeling the same way... We were SO EXCITED, Nervous even for our big day coming up, and when COVID happened... it's like it froze the world and our feelings too.

We have rescheduled our day for October (hoping it can happen this year) and we have a back up date the following year, but now its not really excitement, its more like... "let's get this over and done with".

I am sure when time comes closer and "if" we're able to have it, that some of those emotions may come back but I have been very "blue" lately because of this. As many or all of you, we dream of this day our whole lives and its like it was stripped away from us.

If you are also feeling like this how are you coping? What are you doing to try and get yourself excited again?


Latest activity by Amanda, on May 21, 2020 at 13:34
  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Hi Kelsie,
    I am sorry to hear you are cancelling. I know you were saying you wanted to hold the date even if you had to minimize your guest list. I hope at then end of the day this is the best decision for everyone! Smiley heart

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    We’ve sadly decided to postpone to next year ...only glitch is our venue has no dates currently so we’re waiting to find out when we can get married!

    We wanted to cancel but after speaking to family - they thought we’d regret cancelling.
    Ahhhhh oh well lmao
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Hey Girl, I get you completely.... reading it I was almost chuckling because you sound exactly how I did when I was writing this post, even when you mentioned the things about looking at the new plan B date. It's REALLY frustrating.

    I hope and pray that it will end soon and all the brides can have the wedding they dreamed of. I want it to work out for everyone, we deserve it, especially after all the planning!!

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  • Kristen
    Frequent user October 2021 Ontario
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    I am 110% there with you. I’m having a really hard time with all of this. We’re supposed to be married Oct 3, 2020 and have a soft hold on Oct 2, 2021. Just like many (or all) of you lovelies I have been waiting for this day my whole life and just when I felt it was actually coming it feels like it’s been ripped apart. We were so excited to be married so we can move forward and start a family. My heart sank when I saw the countdown for ‘Plan B’ was over 500 days away when we were so close. Seeing other couples who got engaged after us have dates next year sooner than ours will likely be when we ‘should’ have already been married for almost a year.. I

    We’ve talked about having the small ceremony and sequel wedding which was exciting for a while but I worry I will have regrets. I also worry this will still be an issue next year and we will have waited a year only to have a restricted socially distant wedding anyway. I just feel like I have no idea what to do. My sweet FH is still very optimistic that things will work out for us this year but I feel like I’ve lost that hope and just feel sad.
    I’m really sorry for this long and negative post but I’m just at a real low right now in this process and I found it helpful reading that others are having similar struggles that I am. I’m grateful for these posts and that there is such a great group of women on here supporting one another ❤️ My heart goes out to all of you going through this
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  • Kaitlyn
    Frequent user August 2022 Ontario
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    We aren't getting married until next June (and that was always our date). I feel awful for everyone who has had to postpone their big day. However, I also feel bad for 2021 brides.

    My fiance and I got engaged and about 2 weeks later the pandemic started. We have yet to celebrate our engagement with our friends and family. We were fortunate to be able to book vendors via video calls and our venue via a venue drive by - but it isn't the experience we had hoped for. Dress stores in our area are starting to open next week and I have made appointments because our wedding planner has told me I need to get on the dress hunt ASAP. I can only bring one person with me (thankful my mom is able to join) and I have to wear a mask and gloves while trying dresses on. I feel slightly selfish ranting about this but I am sad for my lack of bridal experience. I know they say this is the "new normal", but I want the old normal! Sorry for ranting - I just need somewhere to vent and figured you ladies would understand.

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Yes that is very true too!!! That's an amazing way to think about it & 100% the truth!
    I am glad you new date is booked. I know its a little further away but I hope its just as amazing & I hope you are in the moment that much more since you had to wait that much longer!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    This makes me so happy to hear!!! I hope you continue with your plans and that it ends up being beautiful! I am so happy to hear that you are conquering COVID ! Smiley heart

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  • Alexandra
    Beginner October 2021 Ontario
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    I hope it does too! We finally chose to reschedule and have booked our new date for October 2, 2021. Now I’m just using the time to put more details into my wedding! The plus side is that her wedding will be done and then people will only be talking about mine 😂
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    I tried to stop watching the news. I just check the count in the morning to see if its going down otherwise I try and stay away, its to depressing for me.
    I hope you are healthy & hanging in there though!!!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Oh noooo.. I can only imagine that feeling of you sister in law getting married before despite being engaged after... It's bitter sweet is what it is.
    I agree though COVID is a disaster, I am hoping this gets under control soon!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Agreed!!!! It's like its a burden more than anything now and that's what hurts so much. I just really want this day to come so we can say we did it. It's sad & definitely sucks!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Stay strong girl! I am trying to find things to do to keep me "excited" but hard to do! I am here if you ever want to talk! Smiley heart

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Yes that's the point we also got too, We thought maybe we should just cancel it all and start our life anyways, but like you said, the amount of money we have put into this, it's just not right.
    I hope the lift happens for you girl, I remember when I first came on here you were one of the first girls I had talked to because we were both getting married in July, so I hope more than ever this works out for you!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Did you end up building the arch? I think I need to find some projects for myself to do too in order to keep me looking forward and excited.
    We are in this together though! I am here if you ever want to talk! Smiley smile

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Hi Girl,
    So sorry for the delayed reply! I was trying to stay off the web for a little in hopes it may calm all the stress. I am super glad to hear you postponed and at least that "anxiety" factor is gone for you! I hope that your wedding is everything you want it to be! Smiley heart

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  • Haylee
    Frequent user July 2020 Ontario
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    "Let's get this over and done with" has crossed my mind recently as well. I'm trying to count my blessings despite the negative energy this pandemic has bombarded us with. We have our attire, we have our rings, we have someone to marry us and a place to be married (either our church or just in the backyard). We also confirmed our photographer will still make it, we're having our cake made and our family friend/caterer is helping us put together a tea party/luncheon reception, whether that's for 5 people or 50 people. We wanted to make our day as special as it could be and not let covid affect that. So far, we're sticking to our plan pretty well!

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  • Nicole
    Beginner May 2021 Ontario
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    I am feeling the same. I don’t even enjoy wedding planning anymore. I used to get so excited about everything and now I feel down. I’m trying to limit watching the news to 2 times Per day. I hope to get this excitement back!!!

    Hang in there brides!
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  • Alexandra
    Beginner October 2021 Ontario
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    Yes!!! When this started I couldn’t bear to look at anything to do with wedding planning. It’s now looking like we won’t get the wedding we planned for October 3, 2020 and have rescheduled for October 2 next year. It’s all so depressing!! My future sister in law is getting married in May 2021 and they got engaged 6 months after us. We have been together for 9 years and it just all seems really unfair so I totally get it. I’m trying not to become grouchy towards her, but it’s annoying because everyone wants to talk about her wedding plans but avoids talking about mine. The only damn question I’ve been asked lately is “are you postponing?” I feel you, girl! COVID is ruining everything
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    OMGGG YES!!!!!!!!! no one even talks about my wedding or asks about it NOTHING. its so sad. everytime i video people the convo just ends up about other things. no one checks in no ones excited its SOOO depressing. i have been looking forward to this day my entire life and now im 80 days out and i feel so sad Smiley sad

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  • Patricia
    Frequent user July 2021 Ontario
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    Exactly how I feel!!
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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    Yes, we’re totally feeling this right now. We’ve both actually said we would honestly love to just cancel everything and move on with our lives. That said, so much money has already been put in and so much time has been spent as well - it doesn’t seem fair to do that.

    Right now we just moved into our first house as of Thursday - so we’re keeping super busy with that! It keeps us occupied while waiting to see what happens with our wedding.
    We are growing more and more worried that it won’t happen in July but our venue has had some cancellations in August and September but if we were going to switch dates we would want to be sure it’s actually going to happen (so some sort of gathering restrictions would need to be lifted for us to go ahead).
    Who knew this could happen?! At the very least, there’s lovely people on this site and we are all in this together!
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  • A
    Super September 2020 Ontario
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    I'm definitely feeling that way. We're still planning on going ahead with our Sept 26 date with a downsized guestlist but it still feels like everything is so up in the air that it's just so hard to try to keep up any form of planning. Today is really the first time in a couple months that I've given much thought to anything wedding-related, but I think I'm going to build our arch tomorrow since it's supposed to be a nice day and we'll use it regardless of what happens with the guestlist. Hopefully it'll get help get some excitement back.

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  • K
    Devoted August 2021 Nova Scotia
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    Your feelings are 100% valid. This is just so far beyond any disruption we 2020 couples could have contemplated! Looking back, Im absolutely floored that poor weather was my most pressing concern up until mid-March 😂 seems so trivial now! And wedding related stress/sadness is only exacerbated by isolation, distance from loved ones, financial concerns, etc. Obviously everyone’s situation is different.

    In terms of coping and staying positive, biting the bullet and postponing to 2021 was huge for me. It alleviated so much stress. And it looks like you’re already well taken care of in that regard with a Plan B and C. Even still, I agree that it still feels like some of the sparkle is gone. I’ve been trying to mitigate that by focusing on a few positive thoughts. First, life will stabilize and eventually our delayed weddings will begin to feel like more of a tangible reality. Something to look forward to. Also, the day will be that much sweeter given route that brought us there, and everyone will be that much more excited and appreciative that they’re able to be within 6 ft of one another and celebrate with us. Finally, it’s given me some perspective and I genuinely do believe I’ll be way less fussed about the little things.
    It definitely sucks though - hang in there!!
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    Yes that's exactly it!

    I am really happy you have a good support system, I do as well, but it's hard to talk to them as they don't fully understand what it's like to go through it because they got married with no issues or worldwide pandemics at that lol... That's why I thought I'd reach out to see if anyone felt the same as we can understand each other better than most.

    I am trying to focus on myself now, making myself better and trying to take the positives out of it all, but like you said as well... coping with it all isn't my best strength, and I also have a very relaxed FH who just goes with the flow and doesn't seem to be too bothered about it all, as long as he is able to get married. If we get postponed in October I think we will both be a mess.

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  • Veronica
    Super October 2021 Alberta
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    I feel you! I’m in the same ish boat - our wedding date was always Oct 11 2020, and we are still holding out hope it can stay that way. But I don’t have the same feelings about it that I did pre COVID. Now everyday just feels stressful and as time slowly moves on its less of yay one day less to the wedding and more ack everyday closer and still no sign of when it will be ok.

    I’m not coping that well to be honest, super thankful for my support system who is all positivity and shoulders to cry on right now. My groom is very chill and able to maintain a light heart about it all.
    My only advice is just lots of self care and love and keep sending positive energy out!
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    I think that's just it... There is no more planning for me to do. We were originally supposed to be getting married July 18th and we wanted to make sure everything was done 1-2 months before that way we didn't have any stresses of "planning" or "financially" now there is nothing left for me to do and I am now waiting 5 months to "see" if we can get married.
    All our Vendors were FANTASTIC on changing the dates to accommodate which is wonderful, but there is no planning left for me to do. I think that is another reason why I am feeling so blahh lol

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I went through that early on. We had been about to finalize our invitations the week that I was sent home from work. I didn't want to think about wedding things or buy flowers or invites or pick out hairstyles.

    It got better after a few weeks. I settled into a routine of spending a little time a few nights a week looking for things that weren't time sensitive and doing what I could online. Recently we put our plans to postpone our reception into action and contacted our photographer and venue to make sure they had future dates for us.
    If it's too stressful take a break! And when you're ready dip a toe back in, ease into planning again.
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