My Fiancé says he is able to match my numbers and to choose who I want. I am having issues because I want 5 people (one is my sister, one is his sister, one is a friend and I am in her wedding to, childhood friend, and friend made few years ago). My parents feel I need to have both my sisters, however my oldest sister has made it very clear she does not like my FH and has said many things in the past despite him never even saying anything to her. She has recently called off her wedding and I think this is the issue. When I told her I was engaged she was happy and assumed she would be in the wedding party and I said I hadn't decided yet. I don't know how to tell her she isn't in it. My FH also has another sister, and I have to let her know as well. I don't think she would have an issue with it as we are not close at all.
My issue is how to do I tell both sisters they aren't in the party? My mom told me to mention I would have one sister from each side plus my friends in it. If I were to have her I would feel like I would need to have both of his and that would be 4 alone and not people I would all want.
I also had another friend when I told her that she had bashed the fact I had chosen one friend who was out of province because she can't help as much. Girl out of province have been friends for 3 years and the other friend is very close to me (friends for 7 years approximately). When I thought of my wedding party I didn't think of her immediately until after. Not sure if I should be adding her or not but then its 6 bridesmaids! and I feel that number is huge.
Any advice would help!!