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British Columbia

Catholic Elopment

Morgen, on June 28, 2020 at 18:50 Posted in Wedding ceremony 0 5


Is their such thing as an elopment in the catholic religion? If not, what is a alternative I could do that includes my Catholic religion?


Latest activity by Vinod, on July 2, 2020 at 20:24
  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
    Vinod ·
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    If my message didn't get through in case of posting.

    Courthouse may have religious Officiant available upon request on the earliest date for elopement to get married. It may not be the same as the Church unless its the place you feel the marriage should take place. Check it out and see if its for you both are comfortable with the idea of the courthouse and the cost is affordable.

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  • Hank
    Master September 2021 Ontario
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    Technically if you have a ceremony in the church with no reception, that counts as an elopement. As long as your group is no bigger than 50 (the max gathering size in BC) and physically distancing, there shouldn't be any issues.

    That being said, not sure how covid has affected things like marriage classes, which I know many Catholic priests require of you in order to be married in their church.

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  • A
    Frequent user August 2020 Ontario
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    Not that i've heard of. As others mentioned, you would need to do it inside the church to be an official Catholic marriage.. but you could have a small guest count. Elopement-style inside the church could be you, groom, priest, 2 witnesses.

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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I would ask your priest or church official. They would know best.

    I have heard on here that Catholic ceremonies need to happen in the church, but I can't imagine that would stop you from having a small ceremony. Surely Jesus isn't counting how many people are in attendance 😉
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  • Geneviève
    VIP September 2020 Ontario
    Geneviève ·
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    With catholic weddings, you do need to be married in a church by a priest for it to be recognized under the religion. That being said, you could probably pay for an elopement style with just your close relatives at the church. You probably would still have to arrange a date and time though.
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