On weekend I had my catering taste test! I was pretty happy with the food and how went. Near the end though it had me worried. The owner gave me a quote over email last year around October. I assumed this was valid unless stated otherwise in the email, which it wasn't. We went in for the taste testing, she had it all prepared. She did mention she is selling her restaurant and wanted to focus on catering more, then it went from that to mine is only wedding she will be doing as she wants to get away from it. Then after she wrote everything we had down- even though had this in email, she told me she would need to get back to me with final numbers? When I emailed next day, I asked if she had the numbers and this was when she mentioned she had to get in contact with her food suppliers to see their pricing. This is something I would have assumed she would have done prior and let me know during taste test if any increases. I am not very happy about it and I told another company who is intersted I would get back to them after this taste testing. Now I am on delay and don't know how long I will be waiting.
What is your advice on how I should handle this?