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Newbie April 2031 Ontario

Bridesmaid not invited to bridal shower / bachelorette

Tanya, on April 30, 2020 at 15:26 Posted in Before the wedding 0 9
Back story: my cousin who is the same age as was getting married. Her and I have been really close for cousin who see each other every once in a while (or so I thought). About 9 months before her wedding, she asked me to be her bridesmaid, and I said yes and I was super excited to be there for her in a BM capacity. I wouldn’t have been offended if she didn’t ask me to be, because at the end of the day she is a sister to me. She creates a WhatsApp group chat with all the other bridesmaids and added me to it where we discussed bridesmaid outfit ideas. The last msg I received in that chat was 9 months before the wedding.

PS. keep in mind this is an Indian wedding.
She goes to India for her wedding outfits shopping- and gets all the bridesmaids their outfits as well. She got mine too. Upon her return, 6 months before the wedding, we met and she gave me my outfit and I tried it on and it was great.
Every now and then I’d reach out to her and ask if there was anything I can help with- and she would say no it’s been covered and the wedding planners are taking care of everything.
Now come 1 month before the wedding- I started to wonder why her maid of honour or her best friend (who is also a BM) haven’t reached out to plan for her bridal shower or bachelorette. I was in school and had a busy month as it was finals seasons, so I thought I’d just wait another week.
I was waiting and waiting, and then I’m like you know what let me just message her Maid of Honour and ask her what’s going on.
To my surprise, the same day I decided I’d ask her, I was on Instagram where I saw that the girls had the bridal shower that same day and were going for her Bachelorette that same night. Also, one of the girls who attended the bridal shower & bachelorette wasn’t even a bridesmaid.
I was really hurt, offended and insulted. But I thought maybe she wanted it to be her friends only and not a cousin. I tried to justify her actions.
The wedding comes around. The way in which we are related is her dad is my moms brother, so a week before the wedding festivities started my mom and I went to my cousins place for lunch and some small ceremony.
During that time, I notice that all her bridesmaids (except me) are already at her house practicing for some dance performance they wanted to do at the Wedding reception. I also she she’s invited a whole bunch of other people, but didn’t even care to ASK me if I wanted to part take. I was offended, hurt and insulted, again.
And because I am obliged to attend the wedding because of my moms relationship here, I attended the wedding ceremonies with grace.
The day of the wedding: her best friend messaged me on WhatsApp, and says to come to the bridal suite as that’s where all the bridesmaids were getting ready. Also, good thing to note is I have all her bridesmaids on Instagram and I had decided not to wear the bridesmaid outfit as she didn’t even treat me like one.
So that morning I took a picture and posted it on my story with my outfit, and the brides BFF messaged me and asked me to come to the bridal suite AFTER she has seen my Instagram story and knows I’m not wearing the outfit.
So I go to the wedding, wearing my own outfit. After the wedding reception and everything was done, I sent my cousin a msg saying she looked beautiful and wishing her a happy married life etc. And all I got was “thank you” literally that. Nothing more.
Am I over reacting? Because I am really hurt by this.


Latest activity by Amanda, on May 13, 2020 at 09:28
  • T
    Newbie April 2031 Ontario
    Tanya ·
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    Hi Amanda! I’m honestly not sure, her parents don’t seem the type but it could be. But even if her parents had asked her to involve her cousin, she could’ve been candid with me and I would’ve understood. I know that having a convo with me telling me that she was being forced by her parents to make me a bridesmaid would have been awkward or uncomfortable, but the result of not having it is our relationship now. Her dad was definitely surprised to see I wasn’t wearing the BM outfit the day of the wedding and seemed genuinely curious as to why I wasn’t wearing it. I guess he didn’t know. But regardless, even after the wedding madness had died down, I think the onus was on her to message me and clear the air, since it’s because of her actions/inactions that all this happened. Nothing happened between us during the time between her engagement and wedding so till this day I wonder why she treated me like that.
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  • T
    Newbie April 2031 Ontario
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    I would’ve even spoken to my cousin about this issue had she not known. But she knew that I was upset.
    The bride was the single person who took the lead on all things. She created the WhatsApp group, she choreographed the dances (yes there were like 3 dances), she planned the entrance to the wedding venue- and she didn’t include one bridesmaid, me.

    The bride was the one who created the WhatsApp group for everyone to communicate. And like I’m sure they planned everything else. And you know the most hurtful thing is that she didn’t even ask. Like this happened right when I went to her place for a pre wedding ceremony- my mom and I were there and she invited a whole bunch of people to practice for some dance choreography (she was teaching them the routine) and all the bridesmaids were in the dance, but even when I was in front of her at her house, she didn’t even ask. Now I refuse to believe she didn’t know what was going on. And thats the most hurtful part. I play my part right as her friend, as her cousin sister, and as family, and she acts in such an insulting and rude way.
    It’s hurtful that on the day of wedding, 2 hours before the ceremony, after seeing that I am not wearing the bridesmaid outfit- one of her bridesmaid messaged me (for the first time) saying come to the bridal suite. After all this? It’s like taking action after the harm has been done, which only shows that if I hadn’t posted a picture on Instagram and they didn’t see it, they wouldn’t have messaged me. Also, why msg me the day of the event if she/her friends really wanted me to be there? All of the other bridesmaids were at the banquet hall early in the morning. They planned the entrance, at what point the girls will enter who’s walking with who, all of that.
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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
    Amanda ·
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    Wow. I am in shock.

    I think you have a right to be upset. If she didn't want you apart she shouldn't have asked, or if she knew she was going to exclude you I wouldn't have even bothered. If it was because she wanted to do her "friends" thing and not cousins, I would have had the respect to speak with you so you were aware.
    Maybe something happened that you are not aware about during the time she asked you to be a bridesmaid ? Do you think he parents would have told her she "had" to have you a part and maybe she felt resentful against you? I can only speculate but I would definitely say that IS NOT the way to treat a BM or anyone for that instance.

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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    Wow thats so rude. i would tell your cousin that none of the girls included you in any of the festivities. i would show her the whatsapp group and the IG messages. what was the point in her asking to be a bridesmaid if you werent included in anything. i feel like the other girls were talking bad about you behind your back and thats why all your cousin said was thank you. either way this all sucks to hear

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  • A-W
    Frequent user May 2021 Ontario
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    It is heart breaking! Everyone knows that weddings are a stressful time but there is definitely a big difference between being stressed and being rude. It's almost as if last minute they decided to try and make you feel bad by asking you to come to the bridal suit. You should have already been told when and where to show up if they were going to include you, not as a last minute thing.
    I'm the same, I hate confrontation. Hopefully you two can rebuild a relationship enough so family gatherings don't feel awkward. But it definitely doesn't sound like you did anything wrong.
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    Newbie April 2031 Ontario
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    Thanks Vinod! Honestly the fact that she treated me like this just felt really hurtful because I wouldn’t have ever treated her like this. 3 years ago, my brother got married and my family and I were on top of making close family feel involved and important. I took it in my hands involve my cousins (the ones we are close with) in all the ceremonies. I didn’t have to do that, but it makes me feel foolish for thinking of her as a person I can I count on, clearly that’s not the case. And the thing is, I didn’t even ask or even remotely imply she has to make her a BM- she asked me if she should have to make our other cousins her BM, and I even told her she shouldn’t feel obligated. This is her wedding and she should do what she thinks is right. But to then ask me, and then act in this way? Why even bother?
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    Newbie April 2031 Ontario
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    Thank you! Honestly I’ve been feeling hurt by this for a while. I’m not a very confrontational person, and so I haven’t spoke to her about the way she treated me. But I mean, I don’t think it should come to her as a surprise that I didn’t wear the BM outfit after the way she treated me. Also, I don’t think anyone can be so oblivious to the fact that one of their BM wasn’t involved in anything in the wedding. She could have also messaged to ask why I didn’t wear the outfit, but I mean I guess she knew why and didn’t want to be told that what she was hurtful and insulting. Also, if I was BM and another BM told me she wasn’t going to wear the outfit, I think I’d be concerned enough to at least ask why? But the fact that the BM who messaged me and told me to come to bridal suite, said a simple “okay 😊” after I told her I wasn’t wearing the outfit goes to show that none of her friends/BMs even cared. This kind of stuff really hurts because I would never make anyone feel like this- even if they were a normal wedding guest. And to know how that people show you who they really are in very important/special times is heartbreaking.
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  • A-W
    Frequent user May 2021 Ontario
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    That's not an over reaction at all. That is really hurtful. Even if she felt obligated to ask you to be a BM she should also have invited to you all the other events and to have you invited to the dance they were going to do. Otherwise she could have treated you like a regular guest and you wouldn't have had to go through the emotional roller coaster. I think you handled it well though. Shows you were offended without being dramatic. I'm sorry she did that
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
    Vinod ·
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    That's a terrible treatment to you from your own cousin to ask you to be in the wedding party and not do anything or attend her functions. You should have had every right to know what's going on about the shower and reception dance. Its good you didn't wear the sari or get pictures taken with the wedding party in the suite. Your grace is well taken into the way you handled the situation by walking away and not getting an answer from her when asked about to participate in anything.

    Your cousin seems conceded in the manner she takes in herself. I'm sure your keeping your distance from her knowing her personality. Being the bigger person to show you do keep the peace the day of the wedding and then letting her know by messaging her.

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