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Devoted August 2019 Alberta

Bridesmaid Being Frustrating

Brittany, on May 22, 2019 at 15:07 Posted in Before the wedding 0 30

I know this is small potatoes..

However one of my bridesmaids is making a big deal about the fact that she has to be at the hotel for 9:00 AM when her make up appointment is not until 11.

I am paying for everyone to get their makeup done, at the hotel suite I am also paying for.

Everything starts at 9 AM. We will have mimosas and food and etc..

I obviously thought all the girls should be there for the same time, regardless of what order they are getting their stuff done in. As I mean... you're in the wedding party. . . Should we not all be celebrating together?

Not show up at a different time than everyone else cause that's your specific time-slot....

Am I skewed in this thought?

Now I am just frustrated as to why she's making such a stink about it. It's not like I am asking her to be there at 6. And I was hoping my friends would want to be there to support me.


Latest activity by Amanda, on June 25, 2019 at 12:47
  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    That's a really good way to go about handling things. That way it kind of covers her issues and also warns any of your other girls from trying to pull the same thing lol.

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    I still don't know. Honestly I haven't talked to her about it yet. We haven't seen each other in person, and she misinterprets things easily via text.

    Next time we see each other I am just going to say that I expect all the bridesmaids to be there at 9 Am to participate in festivities and enjoy the morning. Rather than singling her out just make a generic statement. Hopefully that will be the end of the discussion.

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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    Hey Brittany, did you figure it out with your bridesmaid?

    I think she is being ridiculous complaining over 2 hours. However, if she is adamant about showing up at 11am, then she's the one who will be missing out on the fun.

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  • Kelly
    Devoted May 2020 Ontario
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    This would be so frustrating! She is apart of your big day and should be there to celebrate with you from start to finish no questions asked!
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  • Vinod
    Top August 2017 Ontario
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    You're being reasonable to ask everyone to be at the hotel for the morning so they can all get their hair and make up done as they eat in between getting ready. Give her the option to come late and ready on her terms of a salon she can get the services. She will lose out on all the fun stuff which is ok since she doesn't want feel to accommodate your request. Your time is essential to get ready for make up and hair if she doesn't show up on time and her loss.

    The view if anyone was to be part of my wedding party to participate and accept.

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  • Valérie
    VIP September 2019 Quebec
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    9am is pretty reasonable, IMO - I had to be at a friend's house at 7am to grab everyone's breakfast orders, as I was the runner!

    I have a feeling she's just not seeing the big picture here, like she's just going to be sitting there from 9 to 11, doing nothing.

    While the other girls are getting ready, you might need her to run something over or grab something in the car, or answer a call/text.

    If you're doing "thank you gifts" that morning, then maybe say that you have a surprise for them that morning and that you want to do it around breakfast.

    I think you're going to have to spell everything out for her to understand how important it is.

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    Well if she is making it a big deal for 9am, I can't wait until I tell my girls they have to be at my dads for 7:30 as thats when ours starts lol.

    I always thought it was just common sense that if you are in the wedding party, you all get ready together, and show up at the same time regardless of when your appointment was. I would want to be there to hang out with everyone even if I was the last person!

    Weddings really bring out peoples true colours! You are not skewed at all in your thoughts. Personally, I wouldn't let it ruin your day, if she doesn't want to be there with everyone else, then she is missing out!

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  • Amanda
    Expert July 2022 Ontario
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    I am not to sure what her deal is to be honest.

    I would tell her that it's not about the time slot, but that you would like everyone there to have a drink before the day starts getting hectic, tell her you want to say a speech and run over a couple of things before the make-up starts.

    It's about you that day, I am not sure why being there at 9am would be difficult or even an issue. It bothers me for you lol.

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Thank you!

    And haha I did not realize how true that sentiment was until I started wedding planning.

    People go crazy. It's so weird.

    I have tried to be laid back, and save people money, and please everyone. But around every corner everyone has something to get mad about or start drama. It's insane haha.

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    That’s brutal. I’m so sorry.

    i feel like weddings for some reason bring out peoples true colours.
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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    I don't know. The worst part is she was the last one I expected to be a diva or cause drama or problems. She is/was the most mature of my friends.

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Yup it is. I don't get what her deal is.

    The weird thing is up until this point she was the most mature of my friends... and now with the wedding stuff she's been so difficult in so many aspects.

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  • Emily
    Frequent user August 2019 New Brunswick
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    I think you have every right to want her there early. all of my girls and I are stay at the MOH house ( also my sister) the night before and all traveling together to get hair done and then back to get place for make up. this is the best time for pictures if your want them of everyone getting all dolled up together

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  • Stephanie
    Frequent user July 2021 Ontario
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    I do not think your train of thought is out of line at all.

    I think she shouldn't be complaining at all and enjoy the day with you.

    My fiance is in his brothers wedding this summer and he is being there bright and early for a round of golf.

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  • Kelsie
    Master July 2021 Ontario
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    So she can’t get out of bed for her good friends wedding? Ugh what is wrong with people !!

    I’d basically say the wedding experience starts at 9am not when your make up starts and all of the other girls will be there at that time.

    what is with the diva-ness of these bridesmaids?!
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  • Erin
    Super May 2022 Ontario
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    Is this the same girl that is good friends with your groomswomen? This girl seriously needs to get on board with your plan. Just reiterate that the photographer is coming to take pics of the getting ready and she needs to be there.
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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I'd be annoyed too! My bridesmaids and I are on a similar timeline for getting ready, everything will start at 9am but some ladies will be waiting around for a bit. At least she's not having to be there at 6am - that I can see to complain about.

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  • Carly
    Curious September 2020 British Columbia
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    I'm sorry to hear she is being difficult for you. I agree with the other girls that 9am is not that early and it's one day it won't kill her to get up earlier than she would like. If shes your friend she should be happy to be there early and thankful that you are paying for her to have her makeup and hair done and not have to do it herself. I hope it all works out for you!

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  • Amanda
    Super June 2019 Ontario
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    That's insane. first of all 9 is great. I've been up at 6 for weddings before... and she should want to be there for 9.. it's so much fun sitting around sipping champagne and getting pampered. I would feel the same as you. annoying.
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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Oh wow! That would not fly with me haha. She's your MOH she is supposed to be calming your nerves etc.

    I'm paying for all their makeup so they kinda have to be there haha.

    Plus our photographer is coming to get getting ready photos and such once we are all done up at the hotel.

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  • Janaya
    Expert August 2019 Saskatchewan
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    Giiiirl I would just tell her, everyone will be there at 9 and it would mean a lot to you if she was there the whole morning to support you and have fun with the girls while you get ready.

    my MOH has decided to not even get ready with me at all the morning of - she will just be meeting me at the church since she wanted to do her own hair and makeup soooo I think that you're lucky!

    I 2nd everything Tori says hahah !

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Haha thank god!

    I'm just going to let the other stuff go. I've tried to be fairly laid back with the girls.

    I don't want to give anyone reason to start causing drama, or using the awful Bridezilla word.

    But I am definitely going to tell her to just suck it up and be there for 9. lol

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  • Chelsea
    Super June 2020 Alberta
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    The end is in sight! you’re almost there! i would maybe try to talk to her about all this now before the big day, nonchalantly of course. maybe she’s just genuinely clueless?
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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Right?! Glad it's not just me.

    I could totally understand if it was an unreasonable time.. or if she like worked late the night before or something.. but it's 9 Am. And she works 8-4 monday to Friday and will be at the Rehearsal the night before.

    You don't even have to do your hair or makeup or wear nice clothes. Like get up shower quick.. throw on sweats and get there.

    I don’t know what her deal is.. but this isn't the first time I have been frustrated with her either.

    I asked the girls to go pick up 15 dollar shoes from Ardenes after I just chased all of them for two months for dress sizes and money..

    And her response was why couldn't I go pick them up for all of them as it would be easier.... Easier? For Who?!

    She's also leaves everything she can to the very last day I give them as a deadline. Paying for something. Choosing Something... etc..

    Like I don't know if she doesn't realize what she is doing or what...

    I am trying not to lose it... but she is making me so annoyed lol.

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  • Chelsea
    Super June 2020 Alberta
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    This would irritate the crap out of me. i wouldn’t even give her the option lol i would insist that everyone be there at the same time. let her know that this is your one wedding day and you want it to spend it with your bridal party. does she really want to be the one person left out of those first few hours?
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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    Yeah I made the mistake in sending a sample timeline to the girls cause some asked out of curiosity what the day looked like.

    I had to organize order of hair and makeup just so that there wasn't overlap of the same girl being left at the end for both or whatever. So its booked in to "timeslots" but yeah it's just a general idea.

    Plus the groomswoman's at a certain time ish.

    And mine needs to be done by a specific time.

    I regret sending them that info now.

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
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    I agree with Tori here, I get she wants to sleep in like you mentioned but its one day you asking her to come in and honestly 9am is not early lol my girls- I told them had to be there for 8am as we start then with hair and makeup and if done early I don't want the girls waiting- didn't give them time slots. No one has complained yet but we still have time lol

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  • Brittany
    Devoted August 2019 Alberta
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    I know 100 % it's about sleeping in. She told me that... But she's acting like a child about it.

    The groomswoman in my FH's party does not have to come until her set makeup slot...

    But that's because the rest of the guys won't be there that early anyways. So it doesn't make sense for her to have to come at 9 when the rest of the guys wedding party won't be there until 12 anyways.

    But my BM is using that as justification as to why she should not have to come ... which it's a totally different situation. (Insert Eye Roll Here)

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    That seems pretty logical to me.... Can't think of any reason as to why she wouldn't want to be there if she is close enough of a friend to be a BM.

    I would try asking her why she doesn't want to come at the same time as the others to hang out with you on your big day while drinking some mimosas. What she tells you would then be either a "okay, so you want to sleep in? Tough it out for me would ya?" or if she has a legit reason then depending on what it is I would ask her to move whatever it is she has scheduled or maybe let her come late (again - can't think of what would be going on that she can't make it for 9 though).

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