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Frequent user November 2017 Ontario

Bridal shower who throws it? to have one or not? when?

Chris, on May 18, 2017 at 06:15 Posted in Before the wedding 0 6

My mother is not throwing me a shower as she lives in a different city nor does not want to drive 5 hours to attend one.

My MOH and Bridesmaid both indicated they do not have time to plan one and finding one day to even go dress shopping for them has been a challenge.

My relatives who live here have no interest in hosting one.

My colleagues, hairdresser etc. have been asking have I had my shower yet, when is my shower?

How far in advance do you have your shower from your wedding?

Do you mail the invites as in Canada Post or email them , do evite website etc.?

We are not having a Bachelor or Bachlorette as I refuse to plan my own party, I tend to be that friend that organizes and plans, birthdays, baby showers, celebrations, etc.

It seems akward to throw your own shower and plan, organzise, send invites etc. Do I just not have one?



Latest activity by Kate, on May 23, 2017 at 06:36
  • Kate
    Expert July 2017 Ontario
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    I skipped the shower thing. I can't be bothered with all things that goes into a shower.

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  • Lisa
    VIP May 2018 Ontario
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    I agree with Jessica on this one! Who you pick is important! It's sad how we end up finding out who we can trust in these situations. I'm sorry that everyone around you is making it about them and not you! That's more bothersome to me then having a bridal shower. I hope you express how hurt you are to them! And I don't think there is anything wrong with planning it yourself, at All! If it's something that's important to you, have one. Even if it's small! And if these friends and family are too busy to attend then that's fine and they can stay home!
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  • Chelsea
    Master August 2017 Ontario
    Chelsea ·
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    Hmmm I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I had a cousin who offered to throw me a shower and so she is throwing me one June 24th that will have my family. My bridesmaids are then throwing me another shower with my friends and my fiance's family which will be on June 10th. I am getting married on August 12th and so my showers will be 2 months before my wedding. Usually it would be up to the bridal party to throw you some sort of shower or someone in your family. I have heard of work showers to, where co-workers throw you a shower with your other collegues.

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  • Laura
    Super September 2017 Alberta
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    I have the opposite problem. I didn't really want a shower because we are asking people not to buy us gifts and it just seems weird to say hey if you want to get me something money is useful for a shower but my bridesmaids and a few other friends are throwing me one in July in my hometown and my future sister in laws have asked to throw me one in I now have 2 showers to go to lol

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  • C
    Frequent user November 2017 Ontario
    Chris ·
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    I agree but we are having a destination wedding so it will be very small. I was initially hurt when they both said they were busy people and would not be able to plan a bachelorette or bridal shower but I just let it go as I have enough things to stress over. They both have children one has a toddler and one has a teenager. One closer friend has triplets and lives far so I did not ask her for as I know it would be hard to get away for dress shopping and shower, bachelorette party etc. So I get what you are saying I thought people would be honoured to be in the party but that is just me. Most people whether your 25 or 50 know what is involved but some Do not want ton plan a shower or bachelorette party.
    Same as my mother who bought her dress before asking me the colour of the bridesmaids or coordinating with my mother in law and then was upset the ceremony was on a beach for a beach wedding -go figure Smiley smile as she bought stilettos but never bothered to ask. Then after I bought my dress I asked if she wanted to see it when she was down visiting at Easter and her response was I will wait like everyone else to see it on the wedding day.
    What you see on TV, Movies is not turning out how I thought it would be. Sadly there has been lots of dissappointments from family and friends through this whole process.We've been together for 7 years and date and location was set for 2 years so it's not like a surprise.
    Do I just not have one?
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  • Jessica
    Frequent user July 2018 Nova Scotia
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    Maybe you need to reconsider your bridesmaid choices, it is supposed to be their duty... I purposely did not choose my friend since 8th grade because she is a new mom, in a new job who just does not have the time to do all the things an MoH is supposed to do...

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