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Curious November 2021 Ontario

Bridal party

Brooke, on February 13, 2020 at 18:06 Posted in Before the wedding 0 10
How soon is too soon to ask people to be in your bridal party? I don’t think my people will change, but I have people telling me it’s still too early to ask. My wedding is November 5th, 2021, I was thinking of asking them the first week of April (19ish months ahead) I’m just getting eager to start planning but feel like since I haven’t officially asked them yet that discussing it with them feels weird!


Latest activity by Britt, on February 25, 2020 at 12:12
  • Britt
    Frequent user July 2020 Alberta
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    I got engaged 3.5yrs ago. I asked them that same month, I knew it would be awhile before we had our wedding, & had told them that. Telling them early gives them a chance to save up (3 out of 5 live out of province). If you know who you want, go for it.
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  • Ashley
    VIP August 2020 Ontario
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    I asked my girls in feb 2019 and our wedding is aug 2020. dont listen to people ask them!!!!

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  • Rayanne
    Master June 2022 Ontario
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    I only have one MOH and I asked her right away. I was in 2019 for a 2021 wedding. I knew there weren't going to be more in my wedding party. I've kept their duties minimal no stag and doe, no prewedding parties, basically witnesses with a title.
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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    We had our wedding in October 2019 and I think we had asked everyone to be in our wedding party by August 2018 lol We started asking people in January 2018 so 21 months beforehand. I've also discussed wedding stuff with them before asking them and it didn't feel weird.

    It's definitely up to you, it might be helpful to write down responsibilities and what they would need to spend money on (and approximate costs) so when you do ask them, you can let them know what's expected.

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  • Stefanie
    Devoted August 2020 Saskatchewan
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    I knew exactly who I wanted to be in my wedding party when we first got engaged on May 9, 2019, and I asked them pretty much right after and our wedding is August 15th. It was awesome because the early planning stuff was nice to do with the girls. We all went and got a bunch of wedding magazines and we had a wine night looking through everything to gather ideas.

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  • Casey
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I don't think its too early. If you want them included in the planning, the sooner the better.

    It is also nice for them to know ahead of time so they can save for dresses, makeup, hair and any other wedding expenses!

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    I don't even remember asking my Sister to be my MOH - I think she just assumed the role? Lol

    But with the rest of my girls they like, 'knew' that they would be in the wedding party, but I didn't officially ask them until the 1 year mark. Glad I did though, had I asked them earlier I would have asked 6 girls because my DH was going to ask 6 guys, and then he decided on just 5 so I would have been stuck with 6 (can't just tell somebody they're out of the wedding party).

    I basically talked to my girls about the wedding and only told my bff that she was going to be asked with an actual Proposal Box .

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  • Heidi
    Frequent user July 2020 British Columbia
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    Agree! Once you know their responsabilities..
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  • Tania
    Beginner November 2022 Ontario
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    I’m in the same boat! Mine is November 20, 2021. As much as I’m dying to ask them I’m going to hold off till mid summer! But I think if you want to ask now it’s not a big deal at all I know people who have asked this far in advance!
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  • Amelia
    Master October 2020 New Brunswick
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    I think before you ask anyone you should come up with a rough idea of the commitment for each of them. How much you think hair, makeup, shoes, and a dress might cost. How much help you'll need. If you want a weekend away for a bachelorette party. All these things add up so fast. This way you can ask each person and say "by the way, I really hope you say yes but I want you to know that this is what you're signing up for". (I say this from personal experience, I was a bridesmaid where the bride said one thing and did another and I so so so wish I had spoken up and backed out when I still could have. It was an expensive and stressful year for everyone involved and it ruined several friendships.)

    The great thing about having so much time before the wedding is that they'll have lots of time to save up and to help you plan. And you can spread things out easier too, like your dress shopping, their dress shopping, and diy projects you might want help with. It's great that it won't all be smushed into a few short months.
    If you feel you're ready to ask and you know what you need from them I say go for it if you want to!
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