The cost of food and drinks for your guests will likely be one of your biggest wedding expenses.
For your big day, what are you choosing to do with your bar option? Are you going with a Cash Bar, Toonie Bar, Loonie Bar or a Host Bar? Every couple is different and how their budget will accommodate whichever option they choose and the reasonings behind them.
My fiance and I have chosen to go with a Cash Bar for a few reasons. One, it eliminates having us having to deal with paying for all of the alcohol at the end of the evening and and having a shock when we see the final bill. Two, we know that since both sides of the family are Ukrainian, they can drink a lot. This way if they have to pay for their own drinks, they might think twice about putting down their drink somewhere, forgetting about it and getting another one. Also it might bring our guests to realize that paying $9 and up for a drink, they might think twice about having a tone of drinks throughout the evening.