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Curious April 2018 Ontario

Bachelorette drama...needing advice

Hanna, on March 17, 2017 at 14:37 Posted in Before the wedding 0 13
This relates to a wedding party im in...there are 3 bridesmaids (including me) and the MOH. Originally, there were discussions of having it in another city and I told them I'm not 100% sure I could attend but will try my best. Nothing was finanlized yet as far as I know. I recently told them that I can't make it to the bachelorette party due to some financial responsibilities. Another bridesmaid said she can't make it either. Then we were told by the 3rd bridesmaid that a condo was booked already by her and the MOH for next month and that as part of the bridal party, we are to contribute as well whether we can make it or not. I have been in another party where the cost was split by all attendees. Im willing to fork up a reasonable amount of money for the bride but it is unsettling to be told to pay for a plan that I was not aware of...and I was not able to discuss the matter more as the 3rd bridesmaid left our group convo after dropping some snide comments...the other bridesmaid and I asked the MOH what she thinks and she originally wanted nothing to do with it so I approached the bride...she said she will set up a conference call with everyone. Now, the MOH is siding with the 3rd bridesmaid. We need to be a collective unit for the bride but I don't know what to do? Am I on the wrong to state my opinion with splitting of costs?


Latest activity by Jen, on March 20, 2017 at 14:47
  • Jen
    VIP June 2018 Ontario
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    You are not in the wrong at all! It is not your responsibiity to pay for excursions such as the one they planned without making you aware unless you've agreed to it. These bridesmaids sound bat poop crazy! I'd put the bridesmaid in her place and then apologize to the bride about not being able to attend due to financial constraints.

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  • Carleigh
    Curious October 2017 Ontario
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    On your half it sounds like you didn't agree to any of the plans which is not fair to you. However, even if you can't go to the bachelorette, you should still some how give some kind of money to the MOH to help pay for whatever bachelorette events they have planned. Even if it is just a smal amount of money. The bride should come first... you should think of what would make her happy..whether that be you giving them some $ for a few drinks on their first night out, or perhaps contributing to decorations etc. Something that will tell the bride 'even though I couldn't make it, I still tried and I hope you have a good time on your bachelorette'.

    I wouldn't bring the Bride into any arguing. I myself am a bride, and two of my bridesmaids have dropped out of the bachelorette after everything was agreed upon. One didn't want to come because she'd rather go to Cuba... and one because she's choosing money over me (long story). Anyways, of course I got mad and my MOH is my sister so I was ranting to her and she sent out an email to my bridesmaids explaining what it is to be a bridesmaide etc. and then one of them text me shortly after saying how rude my MOH's e-mail was too them (even though technically i wasn't even on the email b/c my MOH tried to leave me out of it). Anyways, bottom line of my story is it's annoying being the bride and getting caught in the fire. We have enough going on and we don't need to stress out about the Bachelorette, that really should be handled by the bridal party.

    If i were you, the best thing you could do at this point is contribute in some way to the bachelorette (because being part of a wedding party means going to bachelorettes/bridal showers etc). Even if you can't contribute a lot, at least something small and i'm sure your bride will be thrilled, which is the most important part. In terms of keeping the peace with the rest of the bridesmaids, I would explain to them again that you never agreed to anything but you're hoping to help out in X number of ways.

    Hope this helps♥

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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Hope it goes well!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you too, I'm not good at that either! Lol what sometimes helps me is putting my thoughts down on paper or something when I am in a less emotional state. Kinda like a cheat sheet hahha
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  • Hanna
    Curious April 2018 Ontario
    Hanna ·
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    Thabks for your input ladies. Makes me feel a LOT better. I don't know the bridesmaids and the MOH well. The bride will be organizing a conference call with everyone so I'll be totally honest with what i feel, it will try to not let my emotions control my words... *crossfingers* lol
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    Hey Hanna! I can appreciate how hard it could be, especially with the other girls' reactions. I would firstly try to reconvene with the 3rd bridesmaid and MOH and explain your POV- that you weren't aware of the plans before they were made, and while you're willing to contribute for the bride's share, you cannot pay "your" share. I don't know the extent of your relationship with the girls or the bride... Are you very close with any of them? Do you think this can be settled without bringing in the bride as mediator? Smiley atonished
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  • Simone
    Master August 2017 Manitoba
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    I am sorry you are going through this. I am glad you posted this as well. I agree with everyone as this should have been discussed fully before any arrangements and bookings were made. I would not pay as this is not right.
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  • Tiffany
    Devoted September 2018 Quebec
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    Definitely agree with everyone else on this. It's not fair to book something without everyone's input and expect everyone to pay even if they don't go. I would be honest, and like others said if you are to pay your share of the brides spot then your still contributing something and not paying for something you don't get to participate in.
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  • Louise
    Devoted September 2017 Quebec
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    Just be honest with them and tell them your thoughts. If you are paying for the brides share then they shouldn't have a problem with it. They can't expect you to pay for something that you are not attending.
    They are in the wrong and should not have booked anything without consent from all bridemaids.
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  • Hanna
    Curious April 2018 Ontario
    Hanna ·
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    Thanks for your input...any ideas as to how to settle this matter?
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  • Kacy
    VIP February 2019 Quebec
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    I totally agree with what's been said so far!! So sorry that you are having to deal with this!! Nothing should have been decided, much less booked before a discussion and consensus from everyone, so you should not be expected to pay for your "presence" if you're not there! I would agree with your plan to contribute for the bride's share.
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  • Katherine
    Super September 2017 New Brunswick
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    I would not pay if I was not going... Except for the brides costs, maybe... My bridal party had discussed going to Vegas for my bachelorette... We decided against it but I would have expected to pay my share.
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  • Lesley
    Super September 2017 Manitoba
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    Meaning you'd pay for your share of the brides cost
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  • Lesley
    Super September 2017 Manitoba
    Lesley ·
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    I don't think you're wrong particularly since you didn't agree to it in the first place. They should've run everything past you before they booked.
    In my opinion, they should divide the cost by attendees (including bride) and then divide the bride's cost among the group.
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