My husband and I have been married since Sept 28th! We had a beautiful outside wedding in southern Ontario. Our officiant was excellent, helping us prepare for the day, coordinating the rehearsal etc.. the Thursday before our wedding we had the rehearsal with our bridal party. My husband and I met the officiant in the parking lot, where I gave her the marriage license, and envelope with cash for her remaining fee (we had pre-discussed paying in cash) and she put the documents in her car. The big day came and went, it was beautiful and perfect.
A few days post wedding our officiant texted and asked if I could provide the remaining balance. I reminded her that I gave the envelope full of cash to her during the rehearsal. She said she could not find it but, would check her car again. I looked all though my condo, nothing, I was certain I had given her the envelope (for context, I am a very type A person, very diligent about things like this).
Fast forward to today. Our Officiant sent us a very long email, explaining that she looked high and low for the cash, but could not find it. Slightly suggesting that she usually doesn't misplace such important things and that maybe I forgot to give it to her.
My family had gifted me with cash at my family bridal shower, which went directly into this envelope for our officiant. I don't want to pay her another $600. I am heartbroken the cash was lost.
Am I the A-hole for not wanting to pay her again. I am certain I gave her the cash. How would you all approach this. Thanks in advance.