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Devoted April 2019 Ontario


Meghan, on February 5, 2019 at 08:42 Posted in WeddingWire 0 13

I feel a bit silly even posting this but I can't seem to get it out of my head, so here I am. I have always had a bit of anxiety and tend to worry more then the average person about the people in my life that I care about most (In this case regarding my FH). A small group of his friends are throwing him a surprise bachelor party on Feb 23rd, which really is great...I know he is going to love it, but I am worried that something bad will happen (like he wont get home safely or something along those lines) We live in the city so I know he will be coming home that night, but I have this huge fear of going to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night/morning and he isn't home. He is always very responsible when he goes out with friends, and I normally don't worry when he goes out but this time is different because this night is FOR his friends will be buying him lots of pints and shots, and he will be quite drunk I'm sure...his friends love to party and he isn't quite as intense about it anymore as they are. None of them live near us so I can't ask one of them to take him home. I don't want to worry like this...its 3 weeks away...its crazy for me to be THIS worried. I can't even go out with my friends that night to take my mind off of it because they are all busy.
I just have this massive fear that he won't come home and I don't know how to relax :/


Latest activity by Meghan, on February 5, 2019 at 15:35
  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
    Meghan ·
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    Thank you Smiley smile
    Yeah I am going to let them know I have anxiety and I will be a bit worried. I think if they know that they will make sure to REALLY make sure he gets home ok. I think I will text him too once he leaves...letting him know to let me know if he is going to be SUPER late or if he needs a ride home (while also letting him know I hope he has a good time, because I really do)

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  • Bianca
    Master August 2019 Ontario
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    Talk to his friends and try to keep an open line of communication with them. Also, after he goes out with his friends that night, just send him a text to let him know that he can rely on you for a ride later that night.

    Things will definitely be okay in the end Smiley smile

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  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
    Meghan ·
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    I want to talk to him SO badly about it, but the bachelor party is a surprise so he wont know about it until he is literally heading out the door...though I could text him once he heads out just to say have fun and text me if you need a ride home etc. though I know he would feel bad about calling me at 2am or later to pick him up so he would end up taking a cab or Uber.

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  • Stephanie
    VIP May 2019 Ontario
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    I understand this anxiety! I'm pretty sure we have all been kept up worrying at one point or another!

    I would honestly talk to him, mention you're having a bit of worry over it and ask if he can maybe check in with you? Or maybe can you offer to be his ride home at the end of it so you can pick him up where ever they end up and ensure he gets home safe?

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  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
    Meghan ·
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    Thank you. Honestly I am feeling a tiny bit better thanks to all of you guys Smiley smile

    He just asked me if we have plans on Feb 23rd because his friend wants to 'watch the hockey game' with things are definitely set then. His 3 friends will show up and take him out...he will love it, I know. Definitely expecting him to be extremely hung over the next day haha
    I am glad he gets to have a bachelor party, but I am SO looking forward to Feb 24th when he is home. My brain instantly goes to the news and hearing about shootings, fights or cabs getting into accidents (things I never worry about when he is normally I don't get it haha) Its frustrating because my general anxiety has been pretty good for so long...then all of a sudden this is all I can think about.

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  • Brittany
    British Columbia
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    I had MAJOR anxiety regarding my husband's bachelor party, it was in the mountains at a lake camping for 2 days... I had my bridal shower that weekend so my mom stayed with me, and that helped take my mind off it.

    I know it's ridiculous to say "don't worry" because obviously we do... but just what you said, he is responsible, it's a small group of close friends... those things don't change. He will go out, he will have fun, he will come home. Those scenarios from the movies are just that, movies, fiction, or for those who already party so hard that a bachelor party just pushes it over the edge.

    I second the other girls' suggestions, cuddle your pup, pick some Rom-Com movies, get some snacks and a bottle of wine, and have your own little home spa/movie night.

    It will be okay. He will be totally hungover the next day, haha, but he'll be fine!

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  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
    Meghan ·
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    It's nice to know I am not the only one who worries Smiley smile
    Yeah I am going to plan a bunch of things for me to do that night REALLY hoping at least one friend is available to hang out but so far they are all busy.

    Ugh its just this huge feeling like something bad is going to happen. I know he will end up drinking more then he usually does...that is fine. I am going to message his friends closer to and let them know that I have anxiety, and to please make sure he gets home safe.

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  • Allison
    Master October 2019 Ontario
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    I totally understand where you're coming from, about every month my FH's work buddies go out to the bars and I wonder the same thing. I know he's responsible enough to not do anything stupid but others out there are not.

    I suggest try to keep your mind off it the night he's out - spend time with friends, go to the gym, anything to keep you and your mind busy. I agree with asking his friends about getting him home safely - I imagine once your FH knows about the surprise he'll make a game plan for himself.

    My FH and I have a policy that if one of us is out and needs a safe ride ASAP, we can call one another and have each other pick us up.

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  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
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    I do have a dog! She's a lab...she's really good at helping me when I'm anxious...I mean the anxiety is still there, but she cuddles me and I don't feel alone (feeling alone in an empty apartment makes it worse)
    I tried talking to my mom about my anxiety about this...but she is kind of hit and miss with the comfort...this time it was a miss.

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  • Tori
    Top October 2019 Manitoba
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    Do you by chance have a dog? They help in these kind of cases!! I have a dog and cat and they help me so much when I'm anxious!!

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  • Meghan
    Devoted April 2019 Ontario
    Meghan ·
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    Thanks guys. I am going to try to plan something for me to do that evening, maybe I can find another friend who is available to go the very least I will find a new show to binge on Netflix or something
    I will mention to his friends to make sure he gets home safe (though I don't want to come across like his Mom haha) but still, it will make me feel better I think. I'll text them closer to the date. He has lived in the city for 15 years...I know he has gone out and partied a lot, especially when he was in his 20's, and he always made it home ok. I wish I could just relax about it haha

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  • Caitlyn
    Super January 2020 Ontario
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    I have anxiety as well and whenever my fiance goes out without me I always worry about him getting home safe so I know how you feel. Like Becky suggested, I often schedule something for myself to do that night to help me relax and take my mind off of my worries. Maybe go to the movies or something. Also as Becky suggested, I think you should convey your concerns to his friends. Ask if they have a plan for how to get him home that night, maybe they already do. his friends care about him and they will get him home safe. Once he is told about the surprise then maybe also tell him he can call you if he needs a ride. Before you go to bed that night maybe shoot him or one of the friends a text just reminding them to call if they need you and need a ride. For now, just breathe!

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  • Becky
    VIP September 2019 Ontario
    Becky ·
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    Anxiety is hard! I would do something that night with the girls and tell him to call you if he needs a ride home. Try to trust that everything will go well, his friends will make sure he will get into a cab and maybe just let them know how your feeling.

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